Oct 2, 2010

STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm: Every customer represents an opportunity. That customer will be singing your praises, or doing what I am: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable. ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Please visit State Farm WARNING Website http://statefarmwarning.com
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Take this test: http://sminds.com/cgi-bin/mbti.pl I'm an ENFP. :)
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Please read about State Farm's Legacy of Buying Judges ---> http://bit.ly/9oKtBA
STATEFARMSUCKS3: The STATE FARM SUCKS message/website link is being sent directly into thousands of inboxes daily: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Homeowners Insurance FAILED us miserably. Please read why here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Adding Excerpts of the Depositions of State Farm Employees to State Farm Sucks http://statefarmsucks.homestead.com/TESTIMONY.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Guess who owns more than 13 MILLION SHARES of BP? State Farm --> http://bit.ly/SFBP4EVR #BP
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm CEO Ed Rust, Jr profited from ripping off a Widow & Little Girls: ---> http://bit.ly/AFTER-the-FIRE
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm POCKETED THE MONEY...until they were served with a lawsuit: http://bit.ly/AFTER-the-FIRE
STATEFARMSUCKS3: STATE FARM SUCKS is now in Urban Dictionary! http://urbanup.com/4931628
STATEFARMSUCKS3: This is the mess that State Farm left us to deal with: http://bit.ly/STATE-FARM-FAILURE
STATEFARMSUCKS3: FIRE PHOTOS / SLIDESHOW: http://after-the-fire-state-farm-sucks.blogspot.com
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Shame on you, State Farm! Stealing from a widow & little girls! ---> http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Dear State Farm: Animals came in at night through the holes in the walls: http://bit.ly/Thanks-State-Farm Thanks, Neighbor.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Insurance Companies are required to pay claims Properly And Promptly (Good Faith) http://www.badfaithinsurance.org
STATEFARMSUCKS3: This is the mess State Farm left us to deal with: http://bit.ly/STATE-FARM-FAILURE NO HELP from State Farm until TOO LATE.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: STATE FARM HQ, Bloomington, IL is on my website every day. To them, it's just a PR blip. http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm: Every customer represents an opportunity. That customer will be singing your praises, or doing what I'm doing. Branding you.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: It Is Illegal 2 Not Pay, Discount, Delay, & Deny Payment of Legitimate Claims (Bad Faith) http://www.badfaithinsurance.org
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Agents: Welcome to Social Media! The STATEFARMSUCKS message is being sent to all your friends & followers. http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: When I tell any truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do. W. Blake
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @qutequte Antibodies show promise for HIV vaccine http://bit.ly/95JYJQ #health #health
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Watching a State Farm Employee pretend to sexually assault a Hello Kitty Doll: http://bit.ly/bOPjuK
STATEFARMSUCKS3: THANK YOU for your support, everyone! Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Sucks Group is on Facebook http://bit.ly/alEhb0
STATEFARMSUCKS3: God offers to every mind its choice between truth & repose. Take which you please, you can never have both. Ralph Waldo Emerson
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Even More DAMNING EVIDENCE that State Farm Insurance Bilked Taxpayers: http://state-farm-taxpayer-ripoff.blogspot.com
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm CEO Ed Rust, Jr emails out my little girls' FULL NAMES to STRANGERS. Thanks, Neighbor. #ARROGANT
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @TheRealShexy BIG twitter love to my amazing hubby on our anniversary. 7 years!! You made it! @ Maccabegood
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Please visit The Crash Dump, Andy Crash Kelly Blog! http://www.crashkellyblog.com/2009/07/angela-russell-state-farm-sucks.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm: Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good. Mohandas K. Gandhi
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Sending misleading & self-serving PR letters is more important to State Farm than protecting the safety of children. http://bit.ly/9os7j1
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Shame on you, State Farm! http://bit.ly/SFSucks Ripping off a widow & kids!
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @MarchiP Nearly 1 in 3 Tweets Generate a Reaction: http://j.mp/dahHCK
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Like a Good Neighbor, STATE FARM SUCKS is there to tell you the REAL truth about State Farm: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: This world is nothing but a school of love ~Swami Muktananda
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Insurance Ripped Off a Widow & TWO LITTLE GIRLS. (THEY WERE EASY TARGETS) Photos here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: There is no god higher than truth. ~Mahatma Gandhi
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @queenoftheclick @ makerbot No middle schools choosen. Wow I'm surprised.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. ~Leo Tolstoy
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm jerked us around for a year & a half: http://bit.ly/AFTER-the-FIRE