Oct 3, 2010

STATEFARMSUCKS3: Justice is open to everyone in the same way as the Ritz Hotel. ~Judge Sturgess
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Sending misleading & self-serving PR letters is more important to State Farm than respecting the privacy of children. http://bit.ly/9os7j1
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Insurance Ripped Off a Widow & TWO LITTLE GIRLS. (THEY WERE EASY TARGETS) Photos here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: It takes two to speak the truth - one to speak, and another to hear. - Henry David Thoreau
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Many supporters have emailed State Farm CEO Ed Rust Jr on our behalf. Here's the arrogant response they received: http://bit.ly/9os7j1
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm's FAILED Promises: http://bit.ly/AFTER-the-FIRE(PHOTOS)
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm made a widow & 2 little girls homeless to save a few bucks. Please read here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, a life of service and compassion renew humanity. Kahlil Gibran
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm: The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. Socrates
STATEFARMSUCKS3: NEW! State Farm Sucks will name STATE FARM EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK: http://bit.ly/aoCRLa http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: It Is Illegal 2 Not Pay, Discount, Delay, & Deny Payment of Legitimate Claims (Bad Faith) http://www.badfaithinsurance.org
STATEFARMSUCKS3: STATE FARM SUCKS is now in Urban Dictionary! http://urbanup.com/4931628
STATEFARMSUCKS3: SHAME ON YOU, STATE FARM! ---> http://statefarmsucks.homestead.com #FAIL #SUCKS
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Truth breeds hatred. ~Bias of Priene, Maxims
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm is closely tied to BP: ---> http://bit.ly/BPSF4EVR
STATEFARMSUCKS3: It will never be possible by pure reason to arrive at some absolute truth. ~Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Homeowners Insurance failed us miserably. Please read why here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: @Dark_0kami Yep! they truly suck.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: I think God's justice is making wrongs right. ~Joel Osteen
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm ripped off a widow & two little girls, & CEO Ed Rust Jr. got a $5.26 million raise! http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Sucks Group is on Facebook http://bit.ly/alEhb0
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Former State Farm Employee testifies that State Farm Agents & Employees regularly FORGE CUSTOMER SIGNATURES: http://bit.ly/9v8X96
STATEFARMSUCKS3: @clairecelsi I think they probably do have a policy.... just some don't think before reacting. :)
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Why do Insurers (like State Farm) commit bad faith? http://www.badfaithinsurance.org/badfaith_faq.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm led us on for a year & a half: http://bit.ly/AFTER-the-FIRE (photos)
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Please visit The Crash Dump, Andy Crash Kelly Blog! http://www.crashkellyblog.com/2009/07/angela-russell-state-farm-sucks.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Agents: Welcome to Social Media! The STATE FARM SUCKS message is being sent to all your followers. http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm CEO Ed Rust, Jr doesn't care about my kids. He emails out their FULL NAMES to total strangers. http://bit.ly/9os7j1
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @qutequte Revitalise Yourself After Breast Cancer Treatment http://bit.ly/bjNsBT
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Sucks is now on Blogspot! http://state--farm--sucks.blogspot.com
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm CEO Ed Rust, Jr DOESN'T CARE if State Farm rips off Widows & Little Kids: http://bit.ly/acj7oa
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Employees: Be a HERO! Be a Whistleblower on State Farm: http://bit.ly/dBcgId http://www.badfaithinsurance.org/whistleblowers.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer. ~Robert Frost
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Guess who is in bed with BP? ---> http://bit.ly/BPSF4EVR #BP
STATEFARMSUCKS3: @TeamWeFollowBaQ Thanks for the love! ♥Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Do State Farm Customers Really Hate State Farm as much as State Farm's Attorneys Publicly Argue They Do? http://bit.ly/sfsucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm CEO Ed Rust, Jr doesn't care about my kids: http://ed-rust-endangers-my-children.blogspot.com
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @jagir RT @ popurls : probably a doghouse, though I'm not sure... http://pop.is/1dwas
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Sucks Group on Facebook http://bit.ly/d0Pyvf
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @victoria_29 @ RCR33CBowyer Good luck tomorrow at home track
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm ripped off a widow & two little girls, & CEO Ed Rust Jr. got a $5.26 million raise! http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: @PHILIP15UK Thanks for the love! ♥Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm & BP are #BFF: ---> http://bit.ly/BPSF4EVR
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Justice is Truth....in Action. :) http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Man has always sacrificed truth to his vanity, comfort & advantage. He lives...by make-believe. ~W. Somerset Maugham, The Summing Up, 1938
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @tarabuble RT @ kary_cds : @ Sakurambo2 @ Own_Your_Future @ saferprint @ TylzoLago @ OliviaProfeta @ claudiasantanna @ tarabuble @ marcel
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Adding Depositions of State Farm Employees to State Farm Sucks http://statefarmsucks.homestead.com/TESTIMONY.html Watch 'em lie!
STATEFARMSUCKS3: (singing) State Farm is There... Hmmm... CRICKETS???? ---> http://www.bit.ly/cbEFFY
STATEFARMSUCKS3: My State Farm Homeowners Insurance was WORTHLESS. Here's why: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm delays as situation deteriorates: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Dear State Farm CEO Ed Rust, Jr: While State Farm was busy jerking us around, we were living in THIS: http://bit.ly/Thanks-State-Farm
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Why do Insurers (like State Farm) commit bad faith? http://www.badfaithinsurance.org/badfaith_faq.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Watch State Farm Employees lie under oath: http://statefarmsucks.homestead.com/TESTIMONY.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm: Every customer represents an opportunity. That customer will be singing your praises, or doing what I am: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm ripped off a widow & kids, yet touts profit of 5.5 BILLION last year. Something is wrong with this picture.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Employee? BE A HERO! BE A WHISTLEBLOWER ON STATE FARM INSURANCE! http://state-farm-whistleblower.blogspot.com