Oct 26, 2010

STATEFARMSUCKS3: STATE FARM SUCKS is now in Urban Dictionary! http://urbanup.com/4931628
STATEFARMSUCKS3: After the Fire, my State Farm Agent Steve Jackman never even bothered to call, not even once. Story Here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @JaymEsch: RT @TLW3 It's a free country as long as you don't show up as a Democrat at a public Republican/Teatard rally. #p2 #tcot #t ...
STATEFARMSUCKS3: JUDGE: State Farm preyed on the weakest & had a calculated & calloused attitude toward settling valid claims. http://bit.ly/SFfraud
STATEFARMSUCKS3: A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation. ~Howard Scott
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Why doesn't State Farm want a jury to hear what they did to a widow & 2 little girls? http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @roantiqueira: See Pedra da Sorte: ALIMENTOS COM ANTIOXIDANTES http://t.co/yT0Yyg5 @marloncassio @FredCuellar @marcio_csc @centraldte ...
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @Qwitterz: #YHP #TTO #TFB >>>@PutDisney @stvbastian @RiNa_rymidideta @PHampton62 @KickBootyRacing @PhilipHampton62 @QueenFol ...
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm is in bed with polluter BP: ---> http://bit.ly/BPSF4EVR
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Dear State Farm: Animals came in at night through the holes in the walls: http://bit.ly/Thanks-State-Farm Thanks, Neighbor.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: My State Farm Homeowners Insurance was WORTHLESS. Here's why: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Please help spread the word! ------> http://bit.ly/SFSucks Thanks! Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm delays as situation deteriorates: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @ruv: The US Federal Government spends $20/yr billion on server and storage hardware w/ avg utilization at 7% = $18.6b cloud opportunity.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm led us on for a year & a half: http://bit.ly/AFTER-the-FIRE (photos)
STATEFARMSUCKS3: A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer. ~Robert Frost
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Watch State Farm Employees lie under oath: http://statefarmsucks.homestead.com/TESTIMONY.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Insurance HALL OF FAME (claims paid & GOOD FAITH PRACTICES) #1 = THE BEST: http://www.badfaithinsurance.org/indexdetaillist.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Adding Excerpts of the Depositions of State Farm Employees to State Farm Sucks. http://statefarmsucks.homestead.com/TESTIMONY.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Have a dispute with State Farm Insurance in Toronto, Ontario? http://www.hshlawyers.com
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @ariannahuff: With the Think Magazine team that won the crowdsourcing competition to get me to Stony Brook University http://twitpic. ...
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Sucks now has a WEBRING! http://statefarmsuckswebring.blogspot.com
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Why do Insurers (like State Farm) commit bad faith? http://www.badfaithinsurance.org/badfaith_faq.html
An earthquake achieves what the law promises but does not in practice maintain - the equality of all men. ~Ignazio Silone
State Farm Employees: Past & Present: If you have evidence of any type of wrongdoing BE A HERO & Blow the Whistle! http://bit.ly/dBcgId
RT @washingtonpost: Lillian McEwen, #ClarenceThomas's ex, says things got bad when he stopped drinking. http://wapo.st/9POLfb (with vid ...
State Farm made a widow & 2 little girls homeless to save a few bucks. Please read here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
RT @todayshow: The octopus that correctly predicted #WorldCup winners has died: http://on.today.com/9TfsNH
Twitter Pervert sent me nasty DM's after getting email about us from State Farm CEO Ed Rust Jr: http://bit.ly/9os7j1 Thanks, Ed.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Insurance HALL OF FAME (claims paid & GOOD FAITH PRACTICES) #1 = THE BEST: http://www.badfaithinsurance.org/indexdetaillist.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @thesinoglance: Chinese Music | Troubled Times And The Scapegoating Of The รข€˜Otherรข€™: While New Yorkers struggle to understand the ... ...
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm CEO Ed Rust, Jr doesn't care about my kids. He emails out their FULL NAMES to total strangers. http://bit.ly/9os7j1
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Ripped Off the American Taxpayer: http://bit.ly/BILKED-by-STATEFARM
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @rolandkelts: Thanks for this. RT @ZERUDAH: Got this update in my e-mail."The production of Yume Miru Kikai is still going strong... ...
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Insurance, the BAD Neighbor: Here's why: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: After the Fire, my State Farm Agent Steve Jackman never even bothered to call, not even once. Story Here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @LimConsulting: RT @SugarJones: I love conversations that make me think, but I was enjoying ignoring certain things. Oh well. *sigh*
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Employees: Past & Present: If you have evidence of any type of wrongdoing BE A HERO & Blow the Whistle! http://bit.ly/dBcgId
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @R47R: Going over to FB now you can chat with me there I will friend ya for sure I am Ruthie Junior Yingst Appleby
STATEFARMSUCKS3: THANK YOU for your support, everyone! Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: The STATE FARM SUCKS message/website link is being sent directly into thousands of inboxes daily: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @ounceAday: I recently lost 19 followers, and I know who they are thanks to http://who.unfollowed.me #whounfollowedme [Like it? http: ...
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Agents & Employees regularly FORGE CUSTOMER SIGNATURES: http://bit.ly/9v8X96 Former State Farm Employee testifies.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Sending self-serving PR email is more important to State Farm CEO Ed Rust Jr than protecting the safety of children. http://bit.ly/9os7j1
STATEFARMSUCKS3: THANK YOU for your support, everyone! Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Justice is truth in action. ~Benjamin Disraeli http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm: The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. Socrates
STATEFARMSUCKS3: @tsuyoshishiga Thanks for the love! รข™¥Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Where we lived after State Farm RIPPED US OFF: http://condemned-by-state-farm.blogspot.com