Oct 11, 2010

@coryoconnor But, I did say it, so I guess I will own it. :)
Please send State Farm CEO Ed Rust, Jr an email & tell him how you feel: Ed.rust.atei@statefarm.com. Thanks, Angela http://bit.ly/SFSucks
RT @UpRace: “@ Will State Farm leave *you* hanging like they did us? Please read story here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks”
@coryoconnor What's up with you & the paper?
STATEFARMSUCKS3: (singing) State Farm is There... Hmmm... CRICKETS???? ---> http://www.bit.ly/cbEFFY
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Will State Farm leave *you* hanging like they did us? Please read story here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: BP & State Farm, Peas in a Pod! ---> http://bit.ly/BPSF4EVR
STATEFARMSUCKS3: The vices of the rich and great are mistaken for error; and those of the poor and lowly, for crimes. ~Lady Marguerite Blessington
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @Melsz_CruMinati @ serenaseri Kijk je dan?
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Agents: Welcome to Social Media! The STATEFARMSUCKS message is being sent to all your friends & followers. http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Employees: Whistleblowers receive from 15% to 30% (PAID TO YOU) of the amount recovered by government: http://bit.ly/dBcgId
STATEFARMSUCKS3: THANK YOU for your support, everyone! Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @bourneWavy [Rє-тωєєт] ((((ATTENTION)))) #TEAM500ADAY ((VIP))[ #SoloPromo ] #TeamFollowBack ====>>> MUST BE FOLLOWING ME > @ PROMTE
STATEFARMSUCKS3: SHAME ON STATE FARM for ripping off Angela & her little girls! http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm: The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. Socrates
STATEFARMSUCKS3: The STATE FARM SUCKS message/website link is being sent directly into thousands of inboxes daily: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Why doesn't State Farm want a jury to hear what they did to a widow & 2 little girls? http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Many supporters have emailed State Farm CEO Ed Rust Jr on our behalf. Here's the arrogant response they received: http://bit.ly/9os7j1
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm censors many negative Consumer comments & questions from their Facebook page: http://bit.ly/aj5wYr Why?
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Homeowners Insurance FAILED us miserably. Please read why here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: STATE FARM HQ, Bloomington, IL is on my website every day. To them, it's just a PR blip. http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @CeriseLight #Egypt #Overland Tours 6 or 8 Night Tours with 2days on Felucca sailing Aswan to Kom Ombo. http://bit.ly/aHtMKF
STATEFARMSUCKS3: 5 Steps to Protect Your Image Online. Digital Reputation Management http://bit.ly/byaAnD
STATEFARMSUCKS3: SHAME ON YOU, STATE FARM! ---> http://statefarmsucks.homestead.com #FAIL #SUCKS
STATEFARMSUCKS3: I'm calling State Farm OUT. In public. Here's why: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: STATE FARM SUCKS is now in Urban Dictionary! http://urbanup.com/4931628
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Dear State Farm CEO Ed Rust, Jr, While you were living it up, my kids & I were living in this: http://bit.ly/Thanks-State-Farm
STATEFARMSUCKS3: What is Bad Faith Insurance? http://www.badfaithinsurance.org/badfaith_faq.html
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm RIPPED OFF widow & 2 little girls just to save a few bucks. Please read story here: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Justice is truth in action. ~Benjamin Disraeli http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Please read this shocking story: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm: Every customer represents an opportunity. That customer will be singing your praises, or doing what I'm doing. Branding you.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @TheRealShexy @ cruzex Yeah, its a twitter thing. LOL You don't want to end up a # hash tag by the end of the day LOL
STATEFARMSUCKS3: My State Farm Homeowners Insurance was WORTHLESS. Here's why: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Insurance & their use of Psychological Terrorism: http://state-farm-psychological-terrorism.blogspot.com
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Thank You for all your Love & Encouragement! Angela http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: 5 Steps to Protect Your Image Online. Digital Reputation Management http://bit.ly/byaAnD
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Employees: Past & Present: If you have evidence of any type of wrongdoing BE A HERO & Blow the Whistle! http://bit.ly/dBcgId
STATEFARMSUCKS3: @liliaauliya Thanks for the love! ♥Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Please read this shocking story: http://bit.ly/SFSucks
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Sucks is on Urban Dictionary! http://bit.ly/dnmlFT
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Why do Insurers (like State Farm) commit bad faith? http://www.badfaithinsurance.org/badfaith_faq.html