Nov 24, 2010

STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @todayshow: #KingsofLeon rockin' the plaza!
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm Agents: Welcome to Social Media! The STATEFARMSUCKS message is being sent to all your friends & followers.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @gadgetlab: Amazon says it will sell a limited number of previous-gen Kindle 2's for $90 on 11/26
STATEFARMSUCKS3: RT @washingtonpost: "If I ran the TSA..."
STATEFARMSUCKS3: THANK YOU for your support, everyone! Angela
STATEFARMSUCKS3: We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable. ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn
STATEFARMSUCKS3: Adding Excerpts of the Depositions of State Farm Employees to State Farm Sucks.
STATEFARMSUCKS3: State Farm: Every customer represents an opportunity. That customer will be singing your praises, or doing what I'm doing. Branding you.
RT @LimConsulting: makin homemade mashed potatoes, spinach w/ bacon and shallots, chicken and broccoli for dinner ;-p
Sending misleading & self-serving PR letters is more important to State Farm than respecting the privacy of children.
RT @StateFarm: Tomorrow, check out our Facebook page; for the next month, I've been told we're giving away literally 1,000 cash prizes: ...
If you speak the truth have a foot in the stirrup. - Turkish proverb
RT @StateFarm: @RWW55, Our customer service team can't locate your claim by name & state alone. Can you direct message me your wife's na ...
RT @TwiterHero: @IAMDALVIN anytime :)
THANK YOU for your support, everyone! Angela
RT @StateFarm: @toddmu03 Our records show you were contacted this afternoon by Kim.
RT @StateFarm: @CreativeVictual I sure can just DM me you name and address
RT @StateFarm: @dustin_bess Following now.
RT @StateFarm: I love the extreme level of baking this time of year. State Farm's Pro Baking. Stand up with us & you could win $25! http ...