Sep 19, 2010

Insurance Companies Exempt from Nation's Anti Trust Laws

Insurance Companies Exempt from Nation's Anti Trust Laws

(click link for complete article)
Insurance Companies Exempt from Nation's Anti Trust LawsPrint
From price-gouging to collusion, the insurance industry can operate in a manner that no other financial service sector can. No bank, no investment house, no financial broker. The fact of the matter is that the total number of federal regulations that apply to the insurance industry isO.

The insurance industry is only one of two industry's that the nation's laws exempt from our federal anti-trust legislation. The other sector is professional baseball.

While baseball is an American favorite past time, the sport does not play a role in securing a bank loan to purchase a home or business nor whether our financial and real assets are protected in the event of fire, theft, earthquake, blizzard, tornado, hurricane, mudslide, or other event.

Yet, the decisions that insurance companies carry out regarding whether to honor a community's trust or to betray it will determine whether a community can rebuild its homes, schools, grocery stores, places of worship, community centers, bakeries, doctors' offices, hospitals, jails, local shopping malls and other things we all take for granted in the normal course of our days.

Coastal America's Homeowner Insurance Crisis

Multiple Peril Insurance Basics
Water/Wind Dispute: The Eye of the Insurance Storm
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Evidence of Insurers' Defrauding National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
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Insurance Executives: Pocketing Premiums, Padding Profits, & Passing Out Big Salaries and Bonuses
Insurance Companies Exempt from Nation's Anti Trust Laws

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