Xactware Antitrust Investigation - Forums: "The following was posted on another forum recently by Ron Reese:
.......the following letter was submitted to the Federal Trade Commission by way of their e-mail at 'antitrust@ftc.gov'. If this letter is the only one of its kind it will likely be shuffled aside, but if by chance, 10 or 20 or 50 or 100 or ..... Restorers from around the country of like mind submitted similar letters the likelihood of an active response should be increased substantially:
'To whom it may concern;
I am writing regarding a situation in the property damage restoration industry. This is primarily concerned with residential and small commercial losses and what I (and others) perceive as an attempt to impose pricing controls by the insurance industry at large through a company called Xactware located at:
Corporate Headquarters
1426 East 750 North
Orem, UT 84097
(801) 764-5900
Fax: (801) 224-5218
Xactware currently claims that 80% of all insured losses are run through their estimating program.
“Eighty percent of insurance-repair contractors and 16 of the top 20 property insurers use Xactimate to determine the cost of repairs.” (From their website)"
(click link for complete article)