Aug 21, 2010

Scruggs, Minor, and some legal odds and ends (pun intended) – Nielsen, Wilson, Robie and Tort Reform slabbed

Scruggs, Minor, and some legal odds and ends (pun intended) – Nielsen, Wilson, Robie and Tort Reform slabbed: "Scruggs, Minor, and some legal odds and ends (pun intended) – Nielsen, Wilson, Robie and Tort Reform
JANUARY 28, 2010
tags: Branch qui tam, Ed Peters, Gerald Nielsen, James R. Robie, McIntosh v State Farm, Rigsby Qui Tam, Tort Reform, USA v Minor, Wilson v Scruggs, Young v Scruggs
by nowdoucit
The “drafts file” is overflowing (again) and time is short (again) – nothing to do but pull a handful of things I think worth a mention and go for what Sop has called a “round-up” post.

First up is an update on Young v Scruggs – brief because the case is stuck on proper service of the summons issued to Dick Scruggs, a discussion I passed on recenty when reporting Defendant’s Rebuttal."