Aug 23, 2010

Facebook | Your Shoddy Organization.

Facebook | Your Shoddy Organization.: "Wilson Whiting Why has it taken your inept company after THREE ATTEMPTS on my part, FOURTEEN MONTHS to process my ADDRESS CHANGE? For the second time, your company has closed my account because I am for some reason not paying bills that are sent to the address where I no longer reside.
I went in person to Mark Hough's Lititz PA Branch to re-open my account, pay my balance, change my address, and switch off from Rip Lawhead's Willow Street PA branch. I later found out that the re-instatement notice had mysteriously been sent from Rip Lawhead's office, to my old address.
After I first filled out the Address change info when paying my bill on March 28, 2009, I have finally received a 'Thank you for your business' letter, sent to my correct address, inexplicably from Rip Lawhead in Willow St., rather than Mark Hough in Lititz.
My response: I intend to take my business to a competing Insurance company. As I will be moving soon, I have no wish to deal with your company again."